Quicksilver Job Application
The story of Quicksilver started way back in the year 1969 when Alan Green, with the use of wetsuit technology started working on new prototypes for new kinds of boardshort. In 1970, Quicksilver launched its first logo in Australian Surf shops. Its first logo is a swan and later replace with a “Mountain and Wave” logo. When Quicksilver boardshorts were introduced to market in 1970, they were first to use scallop legs and yoked waist with a Velcro closure and a pair of snaps design, a design that gives ease of movement and comfort.
Job Description/ Wage Average
System Administrator: A network administrator is an information technology job that involves working in an environment with multiple computers that are connected. The duties vary tremendously in every situation, but the common thread for network administrators is that they support the hardware and software that is part of the computer network. This position obtains an annual salary of $35k to $38k.
Courier: This position is responsible for transporting documents and other items for businesses and individuals. In urban areas, they usually make their delivers by bike, while suburban or rural area couriers usually use cars. Many work part time and use this job as a secondary source of income. A courier receives a salary of $7 per hour.
Programmer: The programmer creates and modifies computer programs by converting project requirements into code and meet systems requirements. This position obtains an annual salary of $50k to $54k.
Engineering Analyst: This is a technical position requiring an advanced understanding and demonstrated ability to apply construction, operation and engineering fundamentals. Coordinates and plans standards work. Works closely with purchasing, engineering, operations, maintenance and construction personnel in the development, revision and implementation of standards. A job as an Engineering Analyst falls under the broader career category of Engineers. This person receives a salary that ranges from $82k to $90k.
The company offers different benefit package from one position to another; hence you may check on the company’s website for more details. The company is sure to make just care towards every employee making them more inspired in rendering quality services. The person behind an establishment is the great contributor in the success of every business that is why the company knows to take proper care of every employees.
How to Apply
If you are interested to join the company’s team, you may click this link:
http://www.quiksilverinc.com/Careers/North-America, you will have in there exact knowledge of the opportunities you might be in.
Historyof Quicksilver
ThestoryofQuicksilverstartedwaybackintheyear1969whenAlanGreen,withtheuseofwetsuittechnologystartedworkingonnewprototypesfornewkindsofboardshort.In1970,QuicksilverlauncheditsfirstlogoinAustralianSurfshops.Itsfirstlogoisaswanandlaterreplacewitha “MountainandWave” logo.WhenQuicksilverboardshortswereintroducedtomarketin1970,theywerefirsttousescalloplegsandyokedwaistwithaVelcroclosureandapairofsnapsdesign, adesignthatgiveseaseofmovementandcomfort.
SystemAdministrator: Anetworkadministratorisaninformationtechnologyjobthatinvolvesworkinginanenvironmentwithmultiplecomputersthatareconnected.Thedutiesvarytremendouslyineverysituation,butthecommonthreadfornetworkadministratorsisthattheysupportthehardwareandsoftwarethatispartofthecomputernetwork.Thispositionobtainsan annualsalaryof$35kto$38k.
Courier:Thispositionisresponsiblefortransportingdocumentsandotheritemsforbusinessesandindividuals.Inurbanareas,theyusuallymaketheirdeliversbybike,whilesuburbanorruralareacouriersusuallyusecars.Manyworkparttimeandusethisjobasasecondarysourceofincome.Acourierreceivesasalaryof $7perhour.
Programmer: The programmer creates and modifies computer programs by converting project requirements into code and meet systems requirements. This position obtains an annual salary of $50k to $54k.
Engineering Analyst: This is a technical position requiring an advanced understanding and demonstrated ability to apply construction, operation and engineering fundamentals. Coordinates and plans standards work. Works closely with purchasing, engineering, operations, maintenance and construction personnel in the development, revision and implementation of standards. A job as an Engineering Analyst falls under the broader career category of Engineers. This person receives a salary that ranges from $82k to $90k.
Thecompanyoffersdifferentbenefitpackagefromonepositiontoanother;henceyoumaycheckonthecompany’swebsiteformoredetails. The company is sure to make just care towards every employee making them more inspired in rendering quality services. The person behind an establishment is the great contributor in the success of every business that is why the company knows to take proper care of every employees.
http://www.quiksilverinc.com/Careers/North-America, you will have in there exact knowledge of the opportunities you might be in.
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